Private Tutor Online IB Business Jakarta
Are you looking for Private Tutor Online IB Business Jakarta?
Contact SE.Lesprivat 0812-2828-7713.
Best PRICE and good QUALITY.
SE.Lesprivat is a private tutoring service provider company for kindergarten, elementary, junior high school, Simak UI, SBMPTN & International School Student. Our teachers come to your home with High teaching qualification. The teaching methodology is aligned with the curriculum that applied in school.
Our Private Tutor Online IB Business Jakarta are University students and alumni from UI, UGM, ITB, IPB, STAN, STIS, UNJ, SSE, UIN and other top universities as well as teachers who are also teaching in international schools that already have teaching experience in international school, which is selected, trained and directed to teach in accordance with specialization of the subjects.
Why chooses SE.Lesprivat:
- Teachers are competent in their field
- Teachers only come from Favorite state universities such as UI, UIN, UNJ
- Competitive Les Costs
- Smart Learning Methods
- Free Try Out materials
- Teachers come to students’ homes & time is very flexible, up to students
- Expenses paid at the end of the month (students can tutoring first and pay after)
Private Tutor Online IB Business Jakarta provides private lessons for IB Business. All the teaching and learning process are conducted with fully English. Our teacher will also provide Exam past papers of the subject in recent years for the student to be studied. Students will be given tips by teacher how to get high marks for the exam papers.
Moreover, based on the subjects required by the students, our Private Tutor Online IB Business Jakarta is also available to assist tutoring for the subjects below:
- Private Tutor Maths (HL/SL)
- Private Tutor Physics (HL/SL)
- Private Tutor Biology (HL/SL)
- Private Tutor Economy (HL/SL)
- Private Tutor Chemistry (HL/SL)
- Private Tutor History (HL/SL)
- Private Tutor Geography (HL/SL)
- Private Tutor Music (HL/SL)
- Private Tutor Indonesian / English language A lit & langlist / B (HL/SL)
- and the various subjects your sons and daughters needed
We are ready to send you our best Private Tutor Online IB Business Jakarta to home and ready to provide good quality lessons to suit your child needs.
Serving area #Jakarta #JakartaSelatan #JakartaTimur #JakartaPusat #JakartaBarat #JakartaUtara #BSD #Bintaro #Serpong #SerpongUtara #TangerangSelatan #Tangerang #Depok #Bekasi #Cikarang #LippoKarawaci #GadingSerpong #Bogor #KelapaGading #Sunter #Cububur #Cilandak #CilandakBarat #Kemang #Ampera #Kebagusan #PondokIndah # #Ragunan #PondokLabu #LebakBulus #Kedoya #Sudirman #Kuningan #Dharmawangsa #BlokM #HarapanIndah #KotaWisata #Pluit #PIK